Michael School

Work hard, aim high, have fun!

There is a distinct learning process with every IPC unit, providing a structured approach to make sure that children’s learning experiences are as stimulating and rigorous as possible.

Entry Point
• Wow factor!
• Motivation for learning – the hook
• Inspire learning through passion for the theme
• Makes learning fun

The Knowledge Harvest
• What do children already know?
• Helps to make connections with previous learning

Explaining the Theme
• Gives children the ‘big picture’ of their learning
• Shared with parents at the start of a unit to help support the learning at home

Researching and Recording
Each IPC unit has a research activity and a recording activity. Research activities always precede the recording activities. During research activities, children use a variety of methods and work in different group sizes to find out a range of information.
During the recording activities, children interpret the learning they have researched and have the opportunity to demonstrate, share and explain their learning in different ways.

Exit Point – when the learner becomes the teacher!
The exit point has two main purposes: to help children pull together their learning from the unit and to celebrate the learning that has taken place.

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What is the IPC? The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum for 5-12 year olds, with a clear process of learning and with specific learning goals for every subject, for international mindedness and for pe…

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