Click below to download and see the learning ideas for Summer term week 1...
Work hard, aim high, have fun!
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Guided Reading Prompt Questions. These may be useful when you are sharing books with your children. As a very rough guide, Reception and Year 1 children should look at the Level 1 prompts, Year 2 children at Level 2, Years 3 and 4 look at Level 3 and Yea…
More in the section Fuchsia Class:
Fuchsia Class home learning week beginning Monday 18th May Don't forget to share your home learning with Mr Lythgoe on ItsLearning! WB1805.pdf
Fuchsia home learning week beginning Monday 11th May 2020 Here are the learning ideas for this week- enjoy! FuchsiaWb1105.pdf WB1105.pdf
FuchsiaWeek3.pdf FuchsiaHLWB0405.pdf
Welcome to our ‘alternative venture centre week’ To our darling Daffodils and fantastic Fuchsias, This week we were supposed to be going to the Venture Centre for a week of outdoor fun and activities. We were so looking forward to spending the week with you up at Maughold and know how disappointed…