Here are the home learning ideas for Summer Week 2- beginning 27th April 2020
Here are the home learning ideas for Summer Week 1- beginning 20th April 2020
Work hard, aim high, have fun!
Here are the home learning ideas for Summer Week 2- beginning 27th April 2020
Here are the home learning ideas for Summer Week 1- beginning 20th April 2020
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Guided Reading Prompt Questions. These may be useful when you are sharing books with your children. As a very rough guide, Reception and Year 1 children should look at the Level 1 prompts, Year 2 children at Level 2, Years 3 and 4 look at Level 3 and Yea…
More in the section Daisy Class:
Daisy home learning week beginning Monday 11th May 2020 Click on the links below to see the home learning suggestions for this week! Home_Learning_11th_May.pdf blossom_and_catkin_id_sheet.pdf Year 2 maths: Lesson_1_Y2_Spring_Block_4_WO6_Recognise_a_third_2019.pdf Lesson_2_Y2_Spring_Block_4_WO7_Find…
Daisy home learning week beginning Monday 18th May Don't forget to share your home learning with Mrs Morgan on ItsLearning! Butterfly_Questions.pdf Butterfly_Reading.pdf Jewellery.pdf Year 2 maths: Lesson_1.pdf Lesson_2.pdf Lesson_3.pdf Lesson_4.pdf …
Home_Learning_25th_May_pdf.pdf Clothes_wordsearch.doc Create_EntryForm.pdf Florence_Nightingale_Comprehension_Questions.pdf Florence_Nightingale_Comprehension_Answers.pdf Garden_visitors.pdf The_Sunflower.pdf Year 2 maths: Lesson_1_Compare_lengths_2019.pdf Lesson_1_Answers_Compare_lengths_2019.pdf …
Home learning Monday 4th May Dear_Diary_questions.pdf Diary_writing_tasksheet.pdf Design_a_medal_worksheet.pdf Person_template.pdf The_War_is_ending_questions.pdf Year 2 maths learning: Y2_Spring_Block_4_WO1_Make_equal_parts_2019.pdf Y2_Spring_Block_4_WO2_Recognise_a_half_2019.pdf Y2_Spring_Block_4…